Now You Can Have Affordable Contact Management Software for Your Small Business That Will Help You Manage Your Contacts, Their Addresses, Their Phone Numbers and Their Emails!


Dear Small Business Owner,

          Is your contact management software inadequate? Do you wish there was some other contact management software other than Monday.com or Salesforce? Well, there is. It is called Striven. And, it's more than a contact management software system. It's an all-in-one business management system to run your business.

          Are you tired of having to deal with multiple software systems? One system for accounting. One system for email. One system for CRM. One system for group communicating. One system for project management. One system for operations and inventory. And, your software doesn't "talk" to each other very well. And, your employees are getting frustrated on a daily basis! And cobbling together all of your software applications is frustrating and futile. The big corporations can afford to integrate all of their systems or they use a big name ERP system. Now, if you have one employee or hundreds, you can enjoy the benefits of a fully integrated, all-in-one business management system.

    We have the SOLUTION for your small business! It wasn't until 2019 that the average small business could enjoy the power of a cloud-based, all-in-one business management system. Announcing Striven!

    Our company, Delaware Business Incorporators, Inc., discovered Striven (a Software as a Service by Miles Technologies, Inc.) in December, 2019. Since implementing Striven for our business, it has been one of the best business decisions we've ever made. Why? Because Striven is an all-in-one, business management software that's available to small businesses at a reasonable price. And as an added feature, their office and most of their customer support staff is located on the East coast!  

    Striven offers the following all-in-one, business management software features plus a whole lot more:


    • Accounting: A/R, A/P and General Ledger
    • Invoicing Software: One time and Recurring Invoicing
    • Accounts Receivable
    • Collections
    • Accounts Payable
    • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
    • Sales Management
    • Project Management
    • Human Resources
    • Operations Management
    • Task Management
    • Inventory Management
    • Productivity
    • Customer Portal
    • Vendor Portal
    • Candidate/Employee Portal


For more information about Striven, the "all-in-one" business management software, CLICK HERE. We'll be happy to tell you about the Striven software that has made us raving fans!


Russell D. Murray
Operations Manager, VP
Delaware Business Incorporators, Inc.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is contact management software? It is an application software used to manage contacts and their addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. Contact management software use to be primarily used on a businesses' computer server. However, in recent years, contact management software has moved on to the web (cloud-based) and can be accessed anywhere at any time with any device which can access the internet. Contact management software on the web is called Software-As-A-Service (SaaS). Striven has a web-based contact management software component within a full-featured, all-in-one business management software system.

How much does contact management software cost?  With Striven, it is based on how many users you wish to use the system. There is a base monthly fee of $99. There is a per user fee of $20 per month per user for up to 20 users. If you have 21 to 50 users, the per user fee drops down to $15 per user and the monthly hosting fee is $299. If you have 51+ users, the per user fee is $10 per user per month and the monthly hosting fee is $499. You can have Striven's powerful Customer Portal starting at $49 per month. The more users you have the higher the cost. You can have unlimited Customer Portal users for $499 per month.