Delaware Business Incorporators Chooses Striven ERP System and Says Goodbye to Netsuite After 14 Years

Around 2003 or 2004, we decided to look around for new ERP software as a service (SaaS) that would accommodate our growing incorporating and registered agent business. 

We settled on Netsuite (acquired by Oracle in July, 2016) in 2004 and didn't look back. While Netsuite worked very well for us for many years, we needed a change for many reasons.

Now changing accounting/ERP/CRM systems is not the easiest task to take on. There has to be many compelling reasons to make that type of change.  Things to consider include:  making a smooth transition of customer information from one accounting/ERP system to another, employee training on the new system, and software vendor support. 

Delaware Business Incorporators, Inc. (DBI) took the plunge on March 1, 2020 and selected a service called Striven.com by Miles Technologies out of Lumberton, New Jersey. You guessed it: right before COVID-19 reared its ugly head. Since we had already started the process, we forged ahead. 

Now Striven has been in development for many years by Miles Technologies' own use but only last April, 2019 made it available to their customers and the general public. 

As Striven likes to say:  

All-in-one business software with everything you need to grow revenue, work efficiently, and eliminate confusion. Every employee can love Striven. Anywhere, on any device.

Striven has the following built-in features plus much more:  Accounting, Operations, CRM, Sales, Project Management, Human Resources, Inventory, Task Management, Scheduling, Communications, Remote Work and a powerful Customer/Vendor/Candidate portal.

DBI utilizes probably 80% of the features that Striven offers. From March, 2020 to August, 2020, our team worked tirelessly on the migration from Netsuite to Striven with Striven's world-class help. We had a few hiccups along the way but in the end the transition went very smoothly. Striven's customer support is A+ and helped us get our data migrated. Striven's ongoing US-based customer support has been incredible. 

DBI's customers have been very pleased with the transition. The new and improved Customer Portal feature makes it easy for our clients to approve sales orders for new work, pay recurring invoices, and view legal filings we've prepared for them. The franchise tax reminder system will be used for the first time this December, 2020 and May, 2021. 

Since accounting/CRM/ERP software is the heartbeat of many organizations, its important to choose your new ERP system wisely. Delaware Business Incorporators, Inc. is proud to offer our many important clients top notch service and Striven helps us to do just that!