2020 Delaware LLC, Limited Partnership and General Partnership Franchise Taxes Due Tuesday June 1, 2021

It's that time of year again! 

All Domestic LLCs and Foreign LLCs, General Partnerships and Limited Partnerships registered or formed in Delaware are required to pay an annual tax of $300. Annual reports are NOT required for LLCs, LPs, or GPs. 

There is no pro-ration on alternative entity taxes. Annual taxes are assessed if the entity is active in the records of the Division of Corporations anytime during January 1st through December 31st of the current tax year.

Ongoing Annual Tax

Each year on or before June 1, a LLC franchise tax is due in the amount of $300. This year the tax due date falls on Tuesday, June 1, 2021. We highly recommend paying your Delaware LLC tax on or before May 31, 2020. This tax is same regardless of the size of your company, gross assets, or profit or loss. You can pay your LLC tax online here. You'll need your Delaware 7-digit file number. If you don't have your number, call us at 1-800-423-2993 or 302-996-5819 and we'll be happy to provide it to you.

Late Fee Penalty and Interest

For any payments received AFTER June 1, 2021 Delaware charges a late fee of $200 plus monthly interest at the rate of 1.5% on the unpaid balance. If Delaware Business Incorporators, Inc. is your Delaware registered agent, we'll send periodic email alerts to remind you of your franchise tax due date. There is no pro-ration on alternative entity taxes. Annual taxes are assessed if your entity is active in the records of the Delaware Division of Corporations anytime during January 1st through December 31st of the current tax year.

Annual Report Requirements

Delaware does NOT require that an annual report be filed for a LLC. No information is collected by the State of Delaware. However, your Delaware registered agent is required to keep your contact information.

Done-For-You Tax Compliance Service (formerly Good Standing Service)

Delaware Business Incorporators, Inc. offers a  franchise tax compliance service. Our "Done-For-You" Tax Compliance Service guarantees that your LLC / LP/ GP tax is paid on time. Our service comes with a 100% guarantee. If for some reason we fail to file your Delaware taxes on time, we'll pay the late fee and any associated interest penalties. Call or write and ask us to enroll your company today!


If you have any questions about your Delaware LLC, LP or GP taxes, please do not hesitate to call us at 1-800-423-2993 or 302-996-5819. We do not have to be your registered agent to give you assistance.